The Thar Desert – The Great Indian Desert

TEAM WORLDWONDERINGS:- Rajasthan, the land of heroes situated in the north-west of India, is the land where brave and glorious kings like Maharana Pratap and Maharana Sanga have lived. Maharana Pratap presented an unmatched example of renunciation and sacrifice in front of the whole world. Today, in Rajasthan, the birthplace of the same Maharana Pratap, first Let’s go on a tour of the desert.

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Thar Desert, one of the largest deserts in the world, spread far and wide near the border of Rajasthan and Pakistan. The sand dunes spread far and wide here are very fascinating. Present a spectacular view and attract tourists from all over the world to this place. You too must have spent many days and nights on the sand dunes here, but are these charming sand dunes a lifeless land where there is drinking water and shade far away.

Historical significance of the Thar Desert as a major trade route

India’s largest desert, Thar, is located in Rajasthan, located in the west of India. Once upon a time, the area was an area of ​​flowing rivers due to which there was abundant greenery, but today only sand is visible here on four sides.There is so much sand here that in a city like Mumbai, there are many layers of this sand. All the layers can be covered. This area is also full of diversity. There are huge deserts of sand, there are huge grasslands, there are barren lands and there are mountains too, but here there is no water that gives shape to all these.

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However, it is found in abundance in some areas. Here, even the smallest and largest creatures are found that adapt themselves to the conditions. We can say that even though the Thar Desert is full of barren land, it It is also a unique example of nature, here the days are hot and the nights are cold, so today while going on a tour of India’s largest desert, Thar Desert, we will tell you every small and big thing related to it which you might have never heard before.

Influence of geological factors on land formation

Mehrangarh Fort is built on the top of the mountain which watches over and rules over the entire city. Built on the highest hill of Jodhpur, Mehrangarh Fort is famous all over the world due to its amazing structure.Not only Bollywood but Hollywood has also chosen this fort as its best acting point. Not only Bollywood has shot here but Hollywood has also liked this fort due to its design. Many Hollywood movies have been shot here. Which also includes famous movies like Batman. The peak on which this fort of Mehrangarh is built was not always like this.

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On the basis of their research and study, scientists found that this peak was a huge volcano thousands of years to millions of years ago. When this volcano started erupting, the ash that came out of this volcano covered the sky like ash clouds and when the ash cooled down and came down, it became a huge mountain, that is why this peak of Mehrangarh has been named as Geological Survey of India.

Importance of Jodhpur as the gateway to the Thar Desert

Black Kite is not only found on the peak of Mehrangarh in Jodhpur but also here. But other birds are also found, the most prominent of which is the Swift. This bird is much smaller than the Black Kite but is found here in large numbers. This bird flies very fast. Its flying speed is 160 kilometers per hour.This means it flies faster than the speed of a leopard. Falcon bird is considered to be the fastest flying bird in the world. When it comes from the sky to the ground, its speed increases a lot by diving. When it comes from the sky to the ground, its speed increases a lot.

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When a bird dives towards the sea, the Earth’s gravity also gets added to its speed and due to this, its speed becomes very high, but the swift bird found here does not get speed by this type of diving, it is due to the force of its wings. If we look at these birds, the size of their wings is much larger than the size of their body, due to which this small bird needs a lot of strength from its wings to fly.Due to which it can fly at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour. Swift birds always keep flying because they cannot land on the ground. Their legs are very weak.

Evolution of the Thar Desert over time

This desert rat gets the water it needs only from the trees and plants it eats, hence it can live without water for months. Another burrowing animal found in the desert is the Spiny Tail Lizard. This animal got this name because of its long and thick tail which has spines on it. It is a branched animal which stores most of the fat in its food.

It stores it in its tail and when food is not available, it gets food from the fat stored in its tail. Due to its spiny tail, it is hunted mercilessly. The local people living here believe that its tail The oil coming out of desert has Apro DCL property, due to which it is hunted a lot. This amazing world of the desert is quite exciting and quite fun too.

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